Harmonization with the Divine

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It has been known since antiquity that if you want to heal the body you first need to heal the Soul. We have the capacity to recover from the most difficult situations and heal the most terrible wounds. Also, our state of health can be transmitted to people around us. Science, through quantum physics, is now in the position to confirm all these.

Although our body appears solid, we are energy and information, as part of the Whole which is also energy and information. Everything is vibration, is movement and just like a vortex, is continuously changing forms. The physical reality is very malleable. By increasing the harmony of the Soul, a spiritual alchemy takes place and we can transform entirely.

We are each part of the Whole, of the Divine Creation. We are Souls, having the same essence as the Creator. The Creation is manifested through us into Existence. The normal state is a state of harmony. Harmony between the Soul and the Divine, the Whole. Any dis-harmony can be considered a dis-ease, even if is not manifested yet as an illness on the physical body.

Researchers in epigenetics, like Dr. Bruce Lipton, discovered that the life and the function of the cell is not conditioned by the presence of the nucleus, therefore genes do not control the cell, as traditional medicine believed. The nucleus is not the brain of the cell, and more important is the cell membrane that separates and maintains the connection with the environment. It was clearly revealed that the life and function of cells was influenced by the environment.

This is important because it reveals that we are not victims of our genes. Through the action of the cell membrane we can actually control our genes, our biology and our life and we have been doing it all along although we had the belief that we are victims.

The cells tend to group in communities, forming macro-organisms. In that moment their behavior changes and they react to the environment as a community. Each cell is a living individual, a being that has its own life and functions but also interacts with other cells in the nature of a community.

The cell is like a computer. The nucleus is a hard disk with software programs. The genes are the software programs. The genes software is programmed by the reaction of the cell membrane to the environment. This communication is two-way: the signals not only come into the cell, as the awareness of the experience is sent back to the field and changes the source.

Similar with cells, human beings live in collectivities, the quality of life depending on the values and beliefs system they adopt and the degree of harmony with the Whole, with All That Is.

The cell learning how to live in harmony with the environment basically translates in us learning how to live in harmony with the Whole, with the Creator.

Dis-eases are healthy reactions to unhealthy situations. They show us that we don’t honour our hearts and our true role in life. Dis-eases are signals that we need to restore our harmony with the Divine. The paradox is that the more serious the symptoms the more potential for change and evolution. When the harmony is restored healing happens. Not only for the person we are working with, but also for the people close to them.

Same as the cells, people behave like they are connected with each other, being part of the same Whole. In some cases I work at the Soul level with persons close with the sick person, because through them the harmony is transmitted to the person in need. This shows how powerful are the connections between us and that in difficult situations the best thing we can do is being in harmony ourselves.

Increasing as much as we can the harmony of the Soul with the Divine, with All That Is, is something we need to practice continuously. In a state of harmony the health is improved and we can enjoy every moment of our life. This state of harmony is transmitted to people close to us.


About the Author:

Dan Motoc is a Personal Transformation Facilitator, a Guide in journeys of Expanded States of Consciousness and a Mentor for those in a psycho-spiritual transformation. Dan has been trained in Transpersonal psychology, Holotropic Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, OFT healing, Human design and Gene Keys systems and Amazonian plant Shamanism. He was born in Romania and has been living in Montreal for the past 7 years, where he is facilitating shamanic workshops and giving lectures on spirituality and wholistic healing. He founded Shamanica Institute in 2016.
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