Conscious creation of Reality

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You are Creators. You are creating your reality moment by moment. But sometimes you create those things you prefer not to experience.

How can you change this? There are two possibilities. Something you can try. Something simple. Easy. All it requires is your intention and attention.

You lower your vibration so often by your judgements. It is time to drop the judgement. When you judge others your vibration goes down. Complaining and projecting lowers your vibration. So when you notice yourself making judgements, negativity catches up with you. Find something positive about that person or that moment and raise your vibration with appreciation. What is worst is self-judgement. Because when you judge yourself very often one judgement leads to another and another and your frequency gets lower. If you notice yourself judging yourself catch it. Find something beautiful to acknowledge about yourself. When you notice yourself judging yourself you already become more aware. Because you had notice it celebrate your awareness. In this way you do not drop your vibration. When your vibration is higher you are more effective in your creativity.

Another thing you can try is a phrase that supports you creating consciously rather creating out of your unconscious. The phrase is ‘Thank you. Bring me more.’  When something beautiful happens in your life you immediately express to Existence: ‘Thank you, bring me more of this experience.’ Whatever is that feels good to you. If you are having a beautiful meditation: ‘Thank you. Bring me more beautiful meditations.’ When you are having a delicious meal: ‘Thank you. Bring me more delicious meals.’  When money come to you ‘Thank you. Bring me more flow of money.’ When you find yourself in a moment of awareness ‘Thank you. Bring me more awareness.’ A great hug from a friend ‘Thank you. Bring me deeper connections with my friends.’ In this way you are consciously expressing to the Universe how you would like to live.

It is time to move. It is time to move from being a victim to a conscious Creator. You are in charge of your Reality. Claim it.


About the Author:

Dan Motoc is a Personal Transformation Facilitator, a Guide in journeys of Expanded States of Consciousness and a Mentor for those in a psycho-spiritual transformation. Dan has been trained in Transpersonal psychology, Holotropic Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, OFT healing, Human design and Gene Keys systems and Amazonian plant Shamanism. He was born in Romania and has been living in Montreal for the past 7 years, where he is facilitating shamanic workshops and giving lectures on spirituality and wholistic healing. He founded Shamanica Institute in 2016.
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