Would you like to start microdosing, but you’re not sure where to begin? With a one-on-one consultation, you can have your questions answered and figure out the best approach and product to get started with.

When it comes to personal growth and breaking patterns that no longer serve you, we strongly believe in combining microdosing and personalized spiritual guidance. 

Microdosing consultation

You’re interested in starting your microdosing journey, but you’re uncertain or feel unprepared? You can get an individual consultation with us. We are able to respond to your personal needs and support you in the best possible way, making sure you feel safe, supported, and prepared for your journey. 

Microdosing coaching

During an eight-week microdosing cycle, you get three sessions with us and we will provide you with personalized guidance, advice, and support. These three coaching sessions, each lasting one hour, are check-ins to give you feedback about your progress. This is what you can expect: 

First session: Getting started

During this 1-hour session, you get to know everything you need to start your microdosing cycle; 

  • Which microdosing substance is best for you
  • How to find your optimal dose
  • Helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of microdosing
  • Goal and intention setting
  • How to break old patterns and create new ones 
Second session: Soul Quest

The second session takes place during a day on which you microdose. You’ll take a closer look at your deep desires for your life by discussing:

  • The experience of the previous week(s)
  • How to fine-tune your dosage and substance protocol
  • A deeper delve into your needs and goals
  • Where to create habits or patterns that are aligned with who you are 
  • How to effectively integrate new insights into your life 
Third session: Integration

The third and last coaching session takes place at the end of your first microdosing cycle. During this session, you’ll discuss:

  • Your insights—have you integrated them, or do they need more attention
  • Where does resistance come up, and why
  • Reflection on your microdosing experience, from a mind, body, social, and emotional perspective
  • Creating your future self: what are your next steps

To book a consultation, please contact us through the Fb page www.facebook.com/IntegralShamanism  or send an email to: [email protected] mentioning your phone number, and we will reach out in the shortest time possible.