
At Shamanica Institute we teach a diverse array of spiritual growth practices, covering Attachment styles, Shadow work, Stages of personal development, and States of consciousness. This process, often referred to as “Cleaning Up, Growing Up, and Waking Up,” is designed to guide individuals toward profound healing and self-realization. Our teachings are carefully designed to meet individuals at various levels of experience and integration, offering a transformative pathway to uncover and connect with the essence of who we are.

Workshops are regularly scheduled on the Events page and also on the Facebook page

Facilitator guidance

I offer guidance in the form of mentorship for individuals working as Entheogens/Sacred plants facilitators.
This is not training. Training, to me, is instructing you to operate in a specific way. Guidance is what I received during my apprenticeships and I will pass this on by teaching, sharing, conveying my knowledge and experience, providing direction, answering questions, and facilitating dialogue and connection.

Contact us at for more details.